ABRSM Pianoforte Grade 7 2013-2014


  1. C P E Bach Allegro: 3rd movt from Sonata in Ab, H. 31
  2. W A Mozart Allegro: 3rd movt from Sonata in C, K. 279/189d
  3. G D Scarlatti Sonata in F minor, Kp. 467 (L. 476)
  4. L v Beethoven Allegro cantabile: 1st movt from Sonata in Eb, WoO 47 No. 1
  5. G F Handel Allemande: 2nd movt from Suite in D minor, HWV 449
  6. Paradies Presto: 2nd movt from Sonata No. 10


  1. F Bridge Berceuse
  2. F Liszt Piano Piece in F#, S. 193
  3. F P Schubert Scherzo and Trio: 3rd movt from Sonata in A minor, D. 845
  4. E W Elgar Andantino: No. 1 from Dream Children, Op. 43
  5. Grovlez Berceuse de la poupée: from L’Almanach aux images
  6. P I Čajkovskij März (March): No. 3 from Die Jahreszeiten (The Seasons), Op. 37b


  1. Ginastera Danza de la moza donosa (Dance of the Graceful Young Girl): No. 2 from Danzas argentinas, Op. 2
  2. Schoenberg Leicht, zart (Lightly, delicately): No. 1 from Sechs kleine Klavierstücke, Op. 19
  3. Dmitrij Dmitrievič Šostakovič Allegretto: No. 1 from Three Fantastic Dances, Op. 5
  4. G Gershwin Do It Again
  5. Christopher Norton Sturdy Build: No. 8 from The Christopher Norton Rock Preludes Collection
  6. Sergej Sergeevič Prokof'ev Con vivacità: No. 11 from Visions fugitives, Op. 22

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